Romania’s Foreign Ministry has taken swift action in recalling its Ambassador to Kenya, Dragos Viorel Tigau, following a storm of controversy surrounding an alleged racist comment. The comment, equating Africans with monkeys, was reportedly made during a meeting in Nairobi.
In a statement released on Saturday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry in Bucharest stated, “Any racist behaviour or comments are absolutely unacceptable.” The statement further outlined that the ministry had initiated the recall procedure for Ambassador Tigau.
The comment in question was allegedly made on 26th April at a United Nations building in Nairobi. As a monkey appeared at the window of the conference room, Tigau reportedly remarked, “The African group has joined us.”
Expressing deep regret over the incident, the Foreign Ministry’s statement conveyed apologies to all those affected and emphatically denounced any behaviour and attitudes incongruent with mutual respect.
Notably, the Romanian Foreign Ministry stated that it had only been informed of the incident last week, and acted promptly to recall Ambassador Tigau upon becoming aware of the allegations.
Tigau has reportedly apologised, both verbally and in writing, since the incident. Nonetheless, the remarks drew strong criticism.
Kenyan diplomat Macharia Kamau voiced his condemnation via Twitter, stating that Tigau’s remarks “appalled and disgusted” him, and emphasised that such conduct is “intolerable and unacceptable.”
Romania now treads with caution as it aspires to maintain diplomatic relations with the nations of the African continent. The Foreign Ministry expressed its hopes that this incident will not adversely affect Romania’s relationship with African countries.
The swift recall of the ambassador reflects the gravity with which the Romanian government views the incident. As an ambassador representing Romania on foreign soil, Dragos Viorel Tigau’s alleged comments struck a discordant note and the government’s decisive action aims to assuage tensions and reiterate the importance of diplomatic decorum and mutual respect in international relations.