Blessings Chingagwe

Blessings Chingagwe

Blessings Chingagwe is an environmental scientist with an accumulative professional experience of 9 years in project management, community mobilization, biodiversity research and managerial position at the Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi(WESM). She has engaged with the rural poor communities to bring them closer to impactful solutions in relation to conservation. The knowledge accrued from her biodiversity research work on edible orchids and forest biodiversity assessments has been disseminated in various foras for decision making and knowledge development. Research has contributed significantly into development of knowledge material for both the privileged and underprivileged, for the rural community and experts. She is currently in her final stage of research report writing as she is pursuing a Master of Science in Biodiversity Informatics at the Malawi University of Science and Technology. The integral part of her professional journey has been discovering her area of interest that is biodiversity which has become her passion. Blessings has developed interest in species research and biodiversity data management. Furthermore, she has developed research interest in applying the KBA global assessment criteria to delineate KBAs for policy and decision making.